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There is a lot of information out there about the Louisiana International Terminal. It can be confusing and often hard to tell what is fact or fiction. Click or tap each topic below to learn more and see the most recent, accurate information on that topic.

Port NOLA continues to work with the community to understand how the Louisiana International Terminal can benefit Violet and St. Bernard Parish, including community improvements. 

In the last few years, Port NOLA has: 

  • Opened a Community Connection Office in Violet, 
  • Hosted nine open houses throughout St. Bernard Parish, as well as three online open houses and
  • Regularly met with two Community Advisory Committees to collect ongoing feedback. 

As a result of ongoing engagement with St. Bernard residents, Port NOLA has modified the terminal layout to directly address community concerns.  

  • The most recent layout keeps St. Bernard Highway close to its original location while maintaining optimal operational efficiencies.  
  • The updated terminal plan includes a system of drainage pumps, channels, and an on-site pumping station that will be managed by Port NOLA, lessening the local government's current drainage burden.  
  • Port NOLA is planning for an on-site sewerage treatment facility to avoid any increase or impact to the Parish's existing sewerage treatment facility. 
  • Port NOLA is also working with Entergy Louisiana to develop an on-site substation to provide the electricity needed for the terminal. 
  • The most recent layout also incorporates space for:  
  • A bike path 
  • The expansion of Merrick Cemetery  
  • Buffers to separate nearby neighborhoods from the terminal 

We're able to make this year's Open House events? Check out our Online Open House here.

The Louisiana International Terminal and the businesses that support it are projected to bring thousands of jobs and millions of tax dollars to St. Bernard Parish each year. 

Parish officials can use the additional tax revenue to support public services for everyone, such as infrastructure improvements, public safety, parks and recreation, schools, and more. Studies project: 

By 2033 in St. Bernard: 

  • 2,000+ projected new jobs (direct and indirect) 

  • $27 million projected annually in new tax revenue 

By 2050 in St. Bernard:  

  • 4,300+ projected new jobs (direct and indirect) 

  • $41 million projected annually in new tax revenue 

That means the terminal is projected to generate a cumulative total of $760 million in new tax revenue for St. Bernard Parish through 2050.  

These projections come from an updated economic study completed by LSU researchers in early 2023, which considered both property and sales taxes. The private partners investing in the terminal anticipate owning the equipment and buildings on the terminal, which would make those assets subject to property taxes. 

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To read the 2023 Economic Impact Study, click here. 

The Port of New Orleans has its own fully authorized Harbor Police Department that will also serve the Louisiana International Terminal. The Harbor Police Department has law enforcement, firefighting and emergency response capabilities.  

Additionally, the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office and St. Bernard Fire Department are projected to receive increased tax revenues as a result of the new terminal. 

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The Louisiana International Terminal project is currently proceeding through the federal permitting process. Overseen by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, this process involves a detailed environmental review to understand the project's potential impacts on both natural and human environments.

Port NOLA hired an outside consultant that is currently conducting impact analyses to provide the Army Corps of Engineers information about the questions and concerns raised through public comments. 

The Army Corps of Engineers will consider the impacts and independently determine if permits for construction should be issued. Construction cannot begin without those permits. Port NOLA will also be responsible for wetland mitigation efforts as defined by the Army Corps of Engineers. 

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Port NOLA and its private partners are making massive investments in sustainability at the terminal, including: 

  • The capability for vessels to connect to shore power, which can reduce emissions from ships at berth by up to 98%.  

  • Utilization of a fleet of electric equipment by terminal operators. 

  • Anticipated growth of Port NOLA's container-on-barge services, which move containers up and down the River by barge rather than by road or rail. This will help reduce air emissions by taking trucks off the road. 

Port NOLA is pursuing three voluntary sustainability programs for the Louisiana International Terminal: 

  • Envision - a sustainability program to protect local quality of life and the environment. The Envision program assesses project performance AND how well the project contributes to the long-term sustainability of neighboring communities.  

  • Green Marine - an industry-leading certification program to reduce a port's environmental footprint.  

  • Clean Truck Replacement Initiative Program (TRIP) - a program to help local truck drivers and small fleets replace their trucks to lower emissions.

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The Louisiana International Terminal is projected to create many jobs in St. Bernard Parish and the state. As business increases over time, more family-supporting jobs will be available both on and off the terminal. After just five years of terminal operations, almost 2,000 new jobs are projected in St. Bernard, and over 4,300 new jobs in the parish by 2050, as predicted by a 2023 Economic Impact Study conducted by LSU. To read the 2023 Economic Impact Study, click here. 

Port NOLA is dedicated to supporting the local workforce by connecting St. Bernard residents with training and job opportunities. Learn more on our workforce page

If Louisiana cannot welcome the next generation of larger ships by building a terminal without height restrictions, international shipping services will quickly bypass our state. They will take their business to competing, out-of-state ports like Mobile and Houston—taking with them jobs and tax revenue we enjoy today. 

If the Louisiana International Terminal is not built, Louisiana could lose the following economic benefits we enjoy today within the next 10 years:  

  • $205M in existing state tax revenue  

  • $10.3B in existing industry sales  

  • 9,552 existing jobs  

To read the economic study, click here.  

Our state and federal leaders recognize the need for a new container terminal in Louisiana, evidenced by vocal support from the highest levels of state and federal government, including millions of dollars of state funding.

The Merrick Cemetery will remain in its current location, and the public will still have safe and easy access. Port NOLA will also reserve land for a future cemetery expansion. The terminal layout includes a buffer zone to leave space between the terminal and the cemetery. 

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Port NOLA is designing the terminal to minimize potential impacts to nearby homes. That includes buffers to separate neighborhoods from the terminal and minimize potential sound and visual disruptions. Studies in the permit process will determine what specific measures are required to reduce potential impacts for homes closest to the property.  

We value your input and encourage any resident with questions or concerns to reach out to our staff. Your voice is important to us, and we are here to listen to you and address any questions you may have.  

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Port NOLA continues to make significant progress towards the design and development of the LIT project - with significant financial commitments and support from global industry partners as well as the state and federal government. 

  • $800M Committed by TiL and Ports America 

  • $500M+ Committed by Port NOLA 

  • $74M Secured Through the U.S. Department of Transportation's MEGA Grant Program

  • $226M Secured Through U.S. Department of Transportation's Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grant

  • $150M Committed by the Louisiana Legislature 

  • $30M Invested in Early Development Costs by the State of Louisiana 

Between the Port, private partners, state and federal governments, we have secured $1.6B for the Louisiana International Terminal. These investments by the industry as well as the state and federal government continue to showcase the economic development commitment and need for this project to help secure Louisiana's future. 

Traffic flow is key to the success of the Louisiana International Terminal and to the the quality of life in St. Bernard Parish. Port NOLA is working with regional and state agencies to deliver transportation improvements when or before they are needed. 

Port NOLA is a dedicated advocate for the development of the St. Bernard Transportation Corridor, which is envisioned to be a third major travel corridor for the parish. Port NOLA hired WSP USA, Inc. to help deliver the new transportation corridor by developing a public-private partnership strategy. WSP will identify potential options for project delivery, funding, management, and maintenance. 

The Louisiana Legislature has already committed $50 million for the roadway's analysis, planning and design phases. In June 2023, the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) awarded a contract for a study that will formally document the need for the St. Bernard Transportation Corridor, along with other transportation improvements. This effort is currently in progress. Additionally, $15 million was committed through the federal Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development and Related Agencies (THUD) Appropriations Act for 2024.

Local officials and the community have envisioned a third major roadway into and out of the parish for years. The Louisiana International Terminal can help make it a reality.  

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Traffic flow is key to the Louisiana International Terminal's success in St. Bernard Parish. Through the federal permitting process, the project's potential impacts on vehicular traffic in the local area and beyond are being evaluated. Port NOLA is working with regional and state agencies to deliver transportation improvements identified through that process. 

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Since the proposed terminal overlaps with wetlands, the project will need a Section 404 Permit. Port NOLA applied for that permit at the end of 2021 and is in the federal permitting process now. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will consider the completed impact analyses among other information in their permit decision. 

Port NOLA will mitigate wetland impacts as required by the Army Corps of Engineers.

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After considering multiple sites, Port NOLA determined Violet to be the best location for a new container terminal.  

  • It is inside the federal hurricane protection system.  

  • Navigation studies have shown it will be able to handle container ships of all sizes. 

  • It also has existing connections to national rail networks.  

Ports America and TiL's $800M investment in this project demonstrates the industry's confidence in the Louisiana International Terminal and its future as the leading gateway in the Gulf of Mexico. 

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The W. Smith Elementary School is currently located inside the proposed footprint of the future terminal. Port NOLA has been ready to fund the construction of a new, modern school in Violet for W. Smith Elementary since the project was conceived. Port NOLA has proposed two potential locations for a new school site and supports a public process involving the school board, teachers, parents and neighbors. This is Violet’s school. We support a community-driven process that honors the history of Violet Consolidated. 

Terminal construction is expected to begin in 2025. Phase one of the terminal can be built with the school in its current location and operational. However, the sooner the School Board acts, the less construction will impact students and teachers.  

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The existing Violet Park is located in the proposed terminal footprint. Port NOLA is committed to funding the construction of a new park location in Violet.

In the coming months, Port NOLA will mail a survey to Violet residents to help provide the St. Bernard Parish Recreation Department with feedback on what amenities Violet would like to see in a new park.

Survey Coming Soon!